The Czech Rope Access Association (CRAA – Česká asociace pro aktivity a práce ve výškách, zs) associates natural and legal persons interested in the following:
a. work and rescue at height
b. health & safety carried out at height
c. development, manufacture, certification, distribution and servicing of
fall protection equipment,
d. training and education activities carried out at height (especially work at height, single rope technique and related areas)
e. single rope technique, one rope technique and related areas
f. use of mountaineering, caving equipment and personal fall protection equipment at work
The main purpose of CRAA is to educate they lay, professional and sports public to make a distinction between sports (leisure) and vocational (occupational) rope access, both referred to as height activities.
The Association further sets, maintains and guarantees high-level safety standards within the Czech Republic and ensures that these are strictly followed.
It also educates members and other persons with a professional or other interest in height activities.
Another aim of CRAA is to co-operate with public administration authorities and other professionally interested subjects.
The Association also points out any errors or incorrect terminology in legal norms, technical standards and other documents related to its aims and purpose and co-operates with authorities on rectifying them.
It provides consulting and advice in height activities to its members, the broad public and relevant authorities.
Its role is also to create, process and comment on, or correct any education or information materials related to height activities.
Last but not least, the Association keeps itself updated on any alterations in legal regulations, technical standards and EU directives related to height activities.